Why did i start Chris Foreman photo?

The idea and drive behind my business is that it’s not okay to ignore your dreams. I’m a branding and product photographer because I want to help other driven people achieve their dreams with my work. I want to make the 30 second ad, that makes your brand go viral. I want to take the photo everyone clicks on, to buy your product. I’ll be your biggest supporter when facing the obstacles of marketing and (gasp..) social media. This is the goal of Chris Foreman Photo. What’s yours?

Do you need Branding?

When your unsure of what to do, check the competition. Let’s say you sell shoes, check out a Retail giant like Nike.com! Their website is not just photos of their shoes and hoodies. It’s videos and images of athletes, models, and creative content all centered around their brand. At the bottom of their page are social media links, where you can watch even more branded content.

Who are your clients? What can you do for them? Why they should work with you? Proper Branding will answer those questions before they’re asked.